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For the third time in a row the French team Billy Besson and Marie Riou won the Nacra17 World Championships 2015! With wins in five of the nine races sailed they were a totally different league. After the medal race got postponed several times today the committee managed to start and finish a spectacular medal race! Billy & Riou started to early and had to go back. But even with this early start they managed to finish third!_DSC7751wThe Italian team Vittorio Bissaro and Silvia Sicouri won the medal race at the Nacra17 World Championships. Jason Waterhouse and Lisa Darmanin finished 4th and took the silver! The Dutch Mandy Mulder & Coen de Koning didn’t have a good start in the medal race today. They rounded the first mark in 8th position. After the first few boats had difficulties after rounding the mark they had a really good down wind leg. When they saw the Germans had capsized in the second updwind leg and were at the back of the fleet they played safe and finished the race. With a fifth position for Mulder & De Koning and the German team finishing last they secured the bronze!

The teams who qualified for the Olympics in Rio in 2016 are Germany, Aruba and Spain! Overall results of the #nacra17worlds are published on the website of Sailing Aarhus.

Winners Nacra 17 World Championships 2015

Winners Nacra 17 World Championships 2015:
1. FRA 001 Billy Besson & Marie Riou
2. AUS 003 Jason Waterhouse & Lisa Darmanin
3. NED 244 Mandy Mulder & Coen de Koning

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