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Prior to the launch of the Full Foiling Nacra 17, the class and builder will take the opportunity for teams to learn about sailing the Full Foiling boat and pass on feedback about the boat to the builder.  There are two boats available, and the sessions have been divided up into week long camps.  Up to four teams will be booked per week, and they’ll be expected to share the two boats among them.  The boats will be hosted in the Netherlands, at either Scheveningen for sea trials or Hellovoetssluis for lake sailing.  These is a rib available for coaches at a rate of 120 euros per day plus VAT.  There must be a support boat present for all sailing but teams may bring their own instead of chartering the one available, and when multiple Foilers are sailing only one support boat is mandatory.

Teams sent through their requests for session dates, and almost all teams got their first choice.  Below is the official list of who is testing and on what dates.  Teams may trade among themselves but must notify the class manager to update the list published below.

Teams that have not booked a place may also contact the class manager to book a spot if there is one available.  At this point no teams will be booked for a second session, but we may review this policy at a later date depending on how the sessions go.


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