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The new active lower bearings for the Nacra 17 are in production.  By late Friday night (August 25) enough units for all those entered in the World Championships will have been produced. 3 machines are working almost 24 hours a day to accomplish the task.

This production run of bearings (for the Worlds fleet) is being produced in a batch process, unlike the prototype parts that were machined one by one. Therefore, all of the parts will become available at the same time on completion of the batch.

As a result all bearings will become available for distribution at the same time on Saturday (August 26). A representative from Nacra Sailing will fly to La Grande Motte on Saturday with as many bearings as required for distribution there. Separate arrangements will be made for teams not in La Grande Motte. Nacra Sailing will be in touch with all entrants to confirm delivery logistics.

With this note, we reaffirm that the 2017 Nacra 17 World Championship will be held in La Grande Motte, as planned from September 5-10, 2017.

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