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Dear Nacra 17 Sailors,

The Nacra 17 Class Association is responsible for deciding the order of distribution of the initial Nacra 17’s as they are produced.  Your Executive decided the following process prior to the deadline being given to the sailors and prior to Executive members reviewing the order lists.

All teams that placed orders for new boats, platforms or upgrade kits prior to the January 6 deadline, and who have made deposits are included in the initial distribution.  Teams were placed into Tiers by the following criteria:

Tier 1: One boat per nation, assigned to the highest ranked team at Dec 16, 2016

Tier 2: Elite sailors – Olympians, top 10 at Worlds, etc., and not already in Tier 1

Tier 3: Teams who have competed with a top 30 result at Nacra 17 World Championship

Tier 4: Remaining teams

Tier 5: Teams placing orders for multiple boats

Within each tier, a random, computerized draw was conducted to place teams in order within their tiers.  The result, linked, is a list from 1-85 of the order in which teams shall receive their boats.  Included in this list, is the projected date of availability of these boats from the Nacra factory in the Netherlands.  The Executive and Nacra will commit to update this projection each month so that teams are constantly updated as to the projected date of availability of their boat.  Additionally, any teams boat that does become available prior to the 2017 World Championship who doesn’t want to compete in the World Championship, will be moved down in the distribution list so they get the first boats available after the 2017 World Championship.

Teams projected to receive their boats in the first distribution will be invoiced for 50% on March 15, and for the final 35% on May 15.  Teams that are not projected to receive their boats in the initial distribution will be invoiced for the 50% upon mid-point of their boat being built, and for the final 35% upon delivery.

The same process of distribution has been applied for the upgrade kits.  Teams have been placed into 2 Tiers, Tier 1 is for Nations not ordering new boats, Tier 2 is for remaining teams.  Nacra will arrange suitable boatbuilders to perform the upgrades in the locations it has received orders and communicate directly with the teams where they can go to get their boats modified.  Boats can be modified as soon as they can get upgrade kits.  No foils will be supplied until the first batch of new boats are released (June 26, 2017 expected).  After that point, foils and upgrade kits will be supplied as they become available.

V6 Allocation list 23-6-2017 V5 Allocation list retrofit kit 18-4-2017

We understand that many teams are anxious to receive their boats and that the above scenario is not ideal given the ambitions and timescales involved with Olympic sailing.  Both the Class and Nacra will continue to try and improve quality, consistency, durability and availability of equipment going forward.

If you have questions about the assignment of distribution, please contact Class manager, Ben Remocker

If you have questions about your order with Nacra, please contact Emma at Nacra.

All future orders will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.


Your Nacra 17 Executive Team

PS – Additional Notes Posted April 24, 2017

The update to the delivery schedule includes an expansion in hull production beginning in the factory in Thailand starting in June. All of the avaiable hull tooling will be brought to use increasing the maximum capacity to 16 boats per month. These boats will not land in Europe until early September, but from that point on the predicted delivery dates have been brought forward marginally to reflect the increase in production.

PS – Additional Notes Posted March 19, 2017

The delivery schedule shows twice monthly containers arriving at the assembly plant in the Netherlands from the far east. Of those 12 boats delivered, 11 are scheduled for distribution to allow for problems in manufacture or shipping, but should more boats pass inspection they will be distributed as available.

PS – additional notes posted on January 18, 2017

Since the original posting on January 17, there has been some feedback from various parties which leads us to update the distribution list in some small ways.  A couple of the changes are name changes.

There are 8 changes of significance that the executive have approved and are reflected in the documents linked above (marked in purple text)

  1. Maria Lopez (Ikers old crew) to become tier 2 based on top 10 finish at worlds
  2. Lorenzo Bressani was not on list previously but did pay deposit on time to become tier 2 based on 3 X Melges 24 World Champion, and 2 X 13 place at Nacra 17 Worlds
  3. Mateo Majdalani to become tier 3 based on 22ndplace at 2015 Europeans
  4. Olivia Mackay – was not on list previously by omission from Nacra Sailing but did pay deposit on time to become tier 3 based on 22ndplace finish at Worlds
  5. Jan Ericson’s second boat became known, so moved down from tier 4 to tier 5 based on no team getting 2ndboat ahead of others 1st
  6. Fernando Echavarri upgrade boat being moved down to tier 5 based on no team getting 2nd boat ahead of others 1st
  7. Ting upgrade boat moved up to tier 1 as not from SIN, but rather first boat from HKG
  8. Institution upgrate boats being moved down to tier 4 based on principle they will not be competing at European or World Championship.

Please note in all cases with teams moving within tiers, they keep their original random number.  For Mackay and Bressani, they had no random draw before, but a new random draw with same criteria for each of them was performed, and therefore they were placed in their tiers based on the same criteria/chance that everyone else got.

The final item of consideration is the principle around initial equipment being used for Europeans and Worlds.  The executive interpretation is that before Europeans, only teams registered and paid for the Europeans are to get their boats.  If a team is not registered, a conversation will be had with them, and they not be racing they will be moved down the list to get the first delivery of boats after the worlds.  Likewise, between the Europeans and the Worlds we would take the same approach with teams.

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