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August 12-20 / Rio, Brazil

2016 Olympic Games

Live Replay - Meal Race

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Since when have you been sailing together on de Nacra17?

We started In Autumn 2014, our first event together was Miami World Cup Regatta in 2015 where we claimed the silver medal.

What was your biggest challenge as a team?

Learning how to sail a Nacra and work as a partnership in time for the Olympic Trials.

What is your best or most memorable result/win on your Road to Rio? Sailing, qualifying, mental, physically?  

Qualifying for the Olympics for Team GB after topping the selction events for our country. Winning the Europeans was the single biggest event win!

What do you like best about the Olympic sailing Venue?

It is difficult and changeable which we really enjoy across the range of conditions.

What will your last few months before the games look like? Busy…lots of sailing in Rio

How and where can your fans follow you on your Road to Rio?

Website: www.benandnicsailing.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/benandnicsailing/

Twitter: @saxton_ben   @NicolaGroves2 @ben_nicsailing

Pr Contact/Team Manager during the Olympics: Lindsay Bell