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25-30 June 2019 / Kiel, Germany

2019 Kiel Week

Medal Race Replay

Nacra 17 Results
49er Results
49erFX Results
Kiel Week
Event Program
Notice Board
Photos & Video

From Kiel to the World

Even in its 138th year, Kieler Woche still plays a virtuoso performance on the keyboard of festivity: Kieler Woche is the largest summer festival in Northern Europe. From 22 to 30 June, more than three million visitors from all over the world will be diving into the colourful and multi-facetted life of Kieler Woche.

Around 2.000 events in areas of culture, sailing, summer festival, entertainment, science, politics, industry and sport come together to form a maritime symphony. Visitors are promised nine days of high spirits in the far North.

Event Program

Day 1 Highlights (49er)

49er Racing Begins (Live Broadcast Replay)

Day 2 Live Replay