  • en

Please save the date: Saturday evening 29 March at 19.00 hours (07.00 PM) to be present at the first official International Nacra 17 Class Meeting. The meeting will be in Hotel El Cid (close to the catamaran venue) at Palma de Mallorca and the definitely agenda will be announced a.s.a.p. Provisional agenda items will be:

–          Election of the Executive Committee

–          Election of the Technical Committee

–          Approval Constitution

–          Annual accounts

–          Event calendar 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017

–          Technical issues

–          Feedback developments within ISAF

–          Any other business

If you have agenda items and submissions to be official addressed to the agenda, please send them to Edwin Lodder (edwin.lodder@wxs.nl)  before 15 March 2014.

The meeting will be open only for (2014 paid) members of the International Nacra 17 Class. In this meeting all countries shall be entitled to vote. The number of votes per country shall be in accordance with the number of sailors registered with the International Nacra 17 Class Association as follows:

1- 8 sailors                   = 1 vote

9 – 24 sailors                = 2 votes

25 – 50 sailors              = 3 votes

50 sailors and above   = 4 votes

We ask you all to appoint a representative per country, who can present your country at the table.

Membership 2014

Not all of you paid the International Nacra 17 Class fee 2014 until now. To participate in the international events, to support the development of the class and to participate in class meetings it’s important all sailors (helm and crew) are member of the International Nacra 17 Class. In 2013 we already had 176 members. This year we hope to get over 200 members. We want to ask you to pay your 2014 International Nacra 17 Class membership fee (€ 25, -Euro) a.s.a.p.

Transfer your class fee payment to:


Hellingweg 110-116

2583 DX The Hague


Bank account ABN AMRO:

IBAN : NL84ABNA0594302722


Please take care the bank/money transfer costs of the payment are paid by yourselves. Because of the high bank transfer costs from some banks, it will also be possible to pay the € 25,- Euro membership fee in cash to me at Mallorca.

We look forwards to see you all at Palma de Mallorca.

Best regards,

Edwin Lodder

Nacra 17 Class Manager

Mobile +31651134452

Skype edlo0000

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