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Day 3, the “LEVANTE” wind kicked in today Vilamoura, champagne sailing conditions. The
9er’s had a full blast today.

In the FX fleet the Danish team Johanne Isaksen SCHMIDT /Andrea SCHMIDT scored 2
bullets (once again) and now counting with a 3rd as their worst score, these girls are fast
and furious.

The Swedish Vilma BOBECK / Rebecca NETZLER, holding on to the second place and now
with a very comfortable lead (18 points) from Malthe EBDRUP / José COSTA.
In the 49er fleet the Italian team Uberto CRIVELLI VISCONTI / Giulio CALABRÒ, moved up
to the top of the leaderboard and discarding a DNC they are now 10 points ahead of the
Polish team Dominik BUKSAK/ Szymon WIERZBICKI. The French Lucas RUAL/Emile
AMOROS dropped to 3rd .

The French crew Tim MOURNIAC/ Lou BERTHOMIEU occupying still the 1st place in the
leaderboard with 4 bullets in 8 total of 8 races sailed. Margaux BILLY/ Léo MAURIN keep
the second but with only 1 point advantage from over Danish crew Natacha Violet

The “LEVANTE” wind will stay for at least 7 day according to local forecasts, so champagne sailing is expected again to conclude the regatta.

Stay tuned and follow up the event in our social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/vilamourasailing
Instagram: www.instagram.com/vilamourasailing/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/vilamourasailing

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