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After the first week of class testing we published a few videos from class member testing in the Netherlands. Here is the second week testing videos.

So far both weeks have featured lots and lots of wind with typically difficult short NED chop. Highlights to date are controlability in difficult conditions and the absolutely nutty upwind speeds. At one point an F18 came out to play, the the Nacra 17 MK2 went behind the F18, sailed through the lee and out and up… averaging 3 to 4 knots faster! The upwind speeds have hit 16 knots boatspeed while full foiling upwind! That’s fast!

1. Stable Foiling Downwind

2. Controlled sailing downwind in over 24 knots of wind

3. Ripping Upwind Speeds.

4. A bear away from stopped in windy conditions.

5. Interview with Kirsty and Rupert (GBR)

6. Interview with Caroline (GER) and Bora (USA)

7. Interview with Moana and Manon (from week 1)

Testing continues for week three with Aruba and Denmark in the Netherlands.  Hopefully we will see two boats foiling this week, an MK2 and a converted MK1. The following week the Italians will take to the water as testing continues.

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