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Nacra Class Measurement at all Major Events 

Would all Nacra sailors and coaches please read the following instructions and please make sure if you are attending any Nacra event, that your boat complies with the Class Rules. In Palma and Hyeres we allowed some boats to sail which did not fully comply with the rules as it was the first time sailors had seen boats

from other countries and could look at the ideas that they had come up with. I made it very clear that if anybody wanted any changes made to the rules, that they needed to send me the request in writing for the technical committee to assess and if found to be in the best interest of the class, the rule would be changed.

As I have had no such requests, I take it that everyone is happy with the rules as they stand, and so the class will be reinforcing compliance with the rules as they stand at all future events.

For the Worlds and Europeans, we will have a full measurement team and will be checking boats, sails and foils. Below I have listed the major things that the team will be looking at, but other checks may be carried out at any stage during the regatta, and action taken if things are found not to be within the rules.


1)    Dagger board packing and position in the hull.

2)    No additional blocks present that are not allowed in the rules. I did let boats sail in the other regattas with extra blocks, but this rule will now stand so please remove any additional blocks but you can replace them with rings.

3)    No holes have been drilled in any part of the boats or spars to attach any fittings including compass brackets.

4)    Breather holes are kept open in both hatch covers.

5)    Nacra toe straps are fitted. 


1)    All mains to have country flag fitted to starboard side.

2)    Sail numbers comply with the RRS and class rules in position and colour.

3)    Battens are approved Nacra supplied sets.

4)    No changes have been made to the shape and size of any sail.


Spars and Foils

1)    All spars and foils carry the Nacra approved stickers.

2)    Forestay length and position of jib halyard lock.

3)    No quick release fitted from the boom to the clew of the main.

We will be weighing as many boats as we can during the event and will also be weighing foils at random as a cross check with the builder and also to ensure that they have not been modified in any way.

WE would like the Nacra 17 class to have the tightest rules of any Olympic boats, and hope you will work with us to keep the class as One Design as possible and allow the best sailors to win, and not the team with the largest bank balance

The Measurement Team look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Worlds, and if you have any issues with the above, please contact me via the measurers page on the website, and I will do my best to come up with an answer, even if it is not the one you were hoping for.

Fair Sailing

Chris Henderson Class Measurer

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