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10 August

The first Nacra 17 races in Rio are started. We wish all 20 teams a very good sailing week! Follow the races via:


28 July 2016

The Nacra 17 Europeans in Thessaloniki (Greece) are canceled beacuse of too few entries.

11 July 2016

On behalf of the Interim President Kenneth van Dam and our new President Marcus Spillane I want to inform you about the election:

The results of the election for President of the International Nacra 17 Class Association are in.   76 individual votes were cast with 95% voting in favor of Marcus Spillane. Since this is more than 50% of the total number of available votes we can declare Marcus as the new president.  Marcus will take over officially as the President of the Class on July 11, 2016.



13 June 2016

Notice of Race Nacra17 Europeans in Thessaloniki (Greece) is published and registration is open. For all information and registration look at http://www.nacra17class.com/europeans-2016-thessaloniki/ And download flyer_nacraGREECE

12 June 2016

The Rio 2016 draft Sailing Instructions are published by World Sailing at http://www.sailing.org/olympics/rio2016/about/olympic_documents_rio_2016_about.php

23 April 2016

We received a notice from World Sailing (Jason Smithwick):

“We are all receiving a lot of continued pressure from the Nacra17 equipment and in particular team repairs. World Sailing now request that Class Rule D.2 is enforced at all events such that any significant repairs beyond that permitted in Section C are accompanied by written approval from Nacra Sailing. If there is not such approval then the boat should be rejected. 

Hyeres should be used to notify the sailors of the future strict enforcement and rule D.2 shall be strictly adhered to in Weymouth Sailing World Cup and in Rio 2016 Olympic Sailing Regatta and then subsequent regattas.”

Please take all care of this notice!!

23 April 2016

From 9 – 13 May the Garda Trentino Olympic Week will be sailed. Download here the Notice of Race GOTOW NoR 2016 Amendment 1 dd 17_04_2016

1 April 2016

A notice from Nacra Sailing (factory) to all Nacra 17 customers:

We (Nacra Sailing) have received several reports of gelcoat cracks around the dagger board case on new delivered boats. We (Nacra Sailing) have made a document (please download here daggerboard case cracks ) for you to understand more on the cause of these cracks.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us (Nacra Sailing).

Kind regards,

Nacra Sailing

12 March 2016

As noticed earlier (11 February) during The Princess Sofia Cup a Nacra17 Class meeting will be held on : Saturday evening 26 March, at 18.00 hours in Hotel El Cid (close to the venue). Agenda:

Update governance

Update Class Rules

Update Request for proposal by ISAF Nacra17 Foiling Configuration

Update Calendar 2017

Any other business


3 March 2016

World Sailing undertake full review of the Sailing World Cup (by Andy Hunt, CEO World Sailing)

At the February 2016 meeting of the World Sailing Executive Committee in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, it was agreed that a strategic review would be undertaken of the Sailing World Cup from 2017-2020 in order to ensure that the event series remains the best possible showcase for the sport on the journey to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

The review will be concluded and proposals presented at the World Sailing mid-year meeting in Lausanne in May 2016.

The comprehensive review will include considering continental representation, calendar and venues, events, sailor quotas, ranking points, Para World Sailing and the role of known and future Olympic venues within the calendar. Sailors will continue to be placed at the heart of the Sailing World Cup, ensuring it is attractive to athletes, commercial partners and the media.

It was agreed that any existing World Sailing contracts with Sailing World Cup Organising Authorities for 2016 would be honoured.

World Sailing Chief Executive, Andy Hunt, and World Sailing President, Carlo Croce, met with Abu Dhabi organisers at the end of February. Following the World Sailing Executive Committee decision in November 2015 to host the 2016 World Sailing Annual Conference in Europe rather than Abu Dhabi, the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority took the decision to withdraw their financial support of the 2016 Sailing World Cup Final and future editions of the event.

World Sailing will seek a venue partner for the 2016 Sailing World Cup Final and contractual discussions are ongoing with an alternative venue. World Sailing expect to confirm dates for events in the final quarter of 2016 by the end of March.


1 March 2016

For your support and service the Nacra support truck shall be present at 2 upcoming events:

Princess Sophia Cup, Mallorca

Arrival:                 25 march 2016

Departure:         01 April 2016

ISAF Sailing World Cup, Hyeres

Arrival:                 23 April 2016

Departure:         27 April 2016

The van will be loaded with parts needed to keep you sailing, for big orders or early delivery please contact your dealer or parts@nacrasailing.com

In between Mallorca and Hyeres, the truck will stay in Spain. Orders can be placed and delivered in Hyeres by the truck or for early delivery please contact your dealer or parts@nacrasaling.com


29 Februari 2016

The registration for the Sailing World Cup Hyeres and Weymouth is now open for all sailors:

World Sailing ask for any new sailors wishing to compete at either event, who have not already been invited through the ranking system, to request an invitation using the following link http://matchdaymail.sailing.org/index.php?action=form&id=2775

Invitations have already been sent to the Top 30 ranked sailors in each Class, the remaining spaces in the fleet will be allocated to those who first pay the entry fee.

Sailors will have until Sunday 6 March 23:59 UTC to register their interest.

Invitations will then be emailed to Sailors on Monday 7 March at 12:00 UTC, so please be quick on your emails to accept and pay online to secure your place.

To view sailors who have already paid the entry fee and secured their place, please check the Online Notice Board (ONB) http://www.sailing.org/worldcup/onb.php

11 Februari 2016

Because of family circumstances Edwin had to leave Clearwater during in the first weekend and fly back to home. The planned Class Meeting in Clearwater is deferred to the Princess Sofia Cup in Mallorca.

29 January 2016

World Sailing has published the Notice of Race Rio 2016: http://www.sailing.org/tools/documents/SAILINGNoticeofRace-[19974].pdf

16 January 2016

Notice concerning World Sailing (ISAF) Sailing World Cup Miami Equipment registration:

Friday 22 Jan 2016            1030 – 1600         49er, 49erFX and N17 Classes     Regatta Park            Sail signing only.

5 January 2016

Nacra 17 dagger board tip measurement in Clearwater and Rio

Following requests from most teams, it has been the technical committees and World Sailing’s intention to review a class rule for max and min tip measurement for the World  Championships in Clearwater which will also been used in Rio 2016. It has not been possible to come up with an accurate set of numbers that we all feel happy to use in Clearwater and Rio, therefore no specific rule change has been made. Depending on entry numbers and resources in Clearwater, we will check as many boats as possible for at least tip measurement and if we have time, will also check cant numbers. Even though it has not been made a class rule, we hope all teams will feel that checking tip measurements is worth doing as it does show if the boat has been altered in a significant way. All boats will be checked in Rio 2016 for both tip and cant. Any boat that the inspector feels that the numbers found are a distance from the average, then additional checks may be carried out for compliance with the class rules. This may mean asking for the boat to be dismantled and the beams removed for closer inspection of the beam packing, and if a boat shows numbers that are very far from the average numbers, the team may be asked to open a small hole near the board case area at deck level, to allow entry using an endoscope camera to ensure that the case has not been modified in any way. This request will only be made in extreme circumstances and it will be the responsibility of the team to carry out any repairs required whatever the outcome of the investigation.

Nacra 17 Technical Committee

21 December

During the Nacra17 Worlds in Clearwater a Class Meeting will be organized. Date, location and agenda will be published a.s.a.p.

19 December

Nations qualified for the 2016 Olympics as of December 2015. Because in Melbourne no new country form Oceania has qualified, now USA is qualified based on results in Aarhus (Class World Championship 2015).


5 November

The Notice of Race Nacra17 World Championships 2016 in Clearwater is published:

Final WC 2016 Nacra17 NoR dd 5 nov

26 October

The Nacra17 Europeans 2016 will be sailed in Greece, Thessaloniki from 16 -24 September.

26 October

The Notice of Race of the South American Championship (8 – 12 December in Rio de Janeiro) is available now: Notice of Race AR – Sulamericano Nacra 17 – 2015

10 October

ISAF has send out the invitations to participate ISAF Sailing World Cup Melbourne. http://www.sailing.org/worldcup/sailorinfo/melbourne15_entries.php

2 October

Unfortunately due to lack of entries the Nacra17 event in Abu Dhabi during SWC Final is cancelled. Until last Tuesday it was not sure ISAF could arrange the boattransport and invitations were send by ISAF after Tuesday. For most of the teams it was difficult to accept the invitations at such a short notice. Next year we hope the invitation process will start earlier to be sure Nacra17s will be in Abu Dhabi during the SWC Final!

1 October

ISAF is inviting sailors to take part in the Sailing World Cup Final in Abu Dhabi. Because of problems with organizing the boattransport from Barcelona to Abu Dhabi the invitations were send only in recent days. ISAF apologizes for this late action and has now settled for you free boat transport (free of charge) from Barcelona to Abu Dhabi and back. All invited sailors are strongly requested to respons to ISAF a.s.a.p. See the list of invited sailors on: http://www.sailing.org/worldcup/entrylist.php

23 September: new productive update report Nacra17

The Nacra factory has published a new productive update report including all changes made since the introduction of the Nacra17 Productive update report Nacra 17 september 2015

14 September: Nacra factory support truck will come to Barcelona

Today the Nacra factory decided to come to Barcelona with the the service truck to give all sailors technical support during the Europeans. We (the class) are very happy the Nacra support truck will be in Barcelona!

14 September: what happens with the mast

Nacra factory has made a video to show you what happens with the mast if the mast rotation and cunningham are not used in the right way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BP6vK4yLA4

5 September: Nacra factory support truck not in Barcelona

Unfortunately the Nacra Support truck will not be in Barcelona during the Nacra17 Europeans. If you need any spareparts please order them via your Nacra dealer or the factory in The Hague and the parts will be send to you.

31 August: Notice regarding spinnaker chute mouth


7 August: New Nacra17 Class Rules 2015 published

ISAF has agreed and published the new Nacra17 Class Rules 2015 (effective from 1 August 2015).

Changes are made in:

Article A.101.(c) (sail numbers & class insigna)
Article C.6.1.(vi) (boat modifications)
Article C.9.1.(c) beam bedding)
Article C.11.5.(b) (Gennaker limititation)
Section K: lettertype National letters

24 July: Minutes ISAF Events Committee (meeting May 2015)

Download here the minutes of the ISAF Events Committee meeting (May 2015)

21 July: Daggerboard template

Download here the daggerboard template Nacra17 DB Cross- section check tool

22 May : Annual Class Meeting

The Nacra17 Annual Class meeting will be held in Aarhus at Friday evenening 3 July

20 May : Results Garda Trentino Olympic Week

For all results see : http://events.sailracer.org/eventsites/content.asp?id=41222&eventid=197185#nacra17

26 April: After the SWC Hyeres ISAF will start the invation proces for SWC Weymouth:

27 April 2015: Qualification & Registration Weymouth World Cup

29 April : Ranking issued withe Hyeres SWC results; 48 hours for athletes to inquire about issued rankings

29 April 2015: Invitations issued for Weymoiuth and 72 hour clock starts

2 May 2015: 17.00 UTC Acceptance of Invitation windos closes

11 May: Entry fee payment is due

12 May: Announcement number of qualification spots available at Delta Lloyd Regatta

18 April 2015 : Spareparts in Rio

During last months the Nacra17 Class Association and Nacra Sailing International and Performance Sails worked together to create the possibility to get Nacra17 spare parts in Rio at the sailing venue during the Test Event and the Olympics. Unfortunately this is not possible because the Nacra17 is not a supplied boat and only the dealers/factories of supplied boats are allowed to stay at the venue. The local dealer in Rio will have some spareparts, but take care because of the high custom and tax fee in Brazil those spare parts are more expensive than in other countries.

On behalf of the Nacra17 Class Association and the Nacra factory we all want to advise you to bring your own spareparts to Rio. We feel very sorry about this, but really tried everything to be at the venue with the Nacra17 service and spare parts.

30 March 2015 – follow all news about The Princes Sofia Cup in Mallorca
via http://www.trofeoprincesasofia.org/en/default/races/race heavy start of the event on Monday

23 March 2015 – Check who already qualified to participate the ISAF World Cup Final in Abu Dhabi
After Melbourne and Miami some sailors already qualified to participate the ISAF World Cup Final in Abu Dhabi: check the list here.

23 March 2015 – Sailing World Cup qualification system
Read here more about the Sailing World Cup qualification system.

23 March 2015 – Invitation process ISAF World Cup Hyeres
Directly after the Princes Sofia Cup in Mallorca, ISAF will start the invitation process for the 10 open places. Check the invitation process here.

21 March 2015 – payment class membership fee
Class manager Edwin Lodder will be in Mallorca from Friday 27 March – Monday 30 March, where you can pay the membership fee € 25,- in cash to Edwin.

16 March 2015 – Annual Year Class Meeting 2015
The Annual Year Class Meeting 2015 will be organized during the Nacra17 Worlds in Aarhus.

6 March – Invitations confirmed Hyeres World Cup
Download the list with first 30 participants confirmed at Hyeres

25 February 2015 – NOR Test Event Rio published
ISAF has published the Notice of Race for the Aquece Rio – International Sailing Regatta 2015, the Olympic Test Event.

1 February 2015 – Invitation process top-30 ISAF World Cup Hyeres
ISAF has published the invitation process concerning the ISAF World Cup Hyeres. Top 30 ranked sailors will receive an invitation mail at 3 February!


12 December 2014 – Rio 2016
Do you want to know more about Rio 2016, the venue, wind, current etc? During the ISAF Conference in Oman a lot of infomations has been shared. Download here the Rio 2016 powerpoint presentation

13 september 2014 – Sailing World Cup 2016 – 2020
More information about the ideas Sailing World Cup 2016 -2020 read now the Sailing World Cup presentation 2016 – 2020 (version 12 sept)

1 September 2014 – Equipment Regulations ISAF Worlds Santander
Dear sailors, please take care of the published equipment regulations.

4 June 2014 – New Class Rules 2014 effective
ISAF has published the newest version of the Nacra 17 Class Rules

16 May 2014 – Nacra 17 Europeans
A large majority of the country representatives have chosen to organise the Nacra17 Europeans 2015 in Barcelona at the end of September 2015.

16 May 2014 – Nacra17 Worlds 2016 in Clearwater
A large majority of country representatives have chosen Clearwater to organize the Nacra17 Worlds in February 2016. We look forwards to see you all in Clearwater!

23 February 2014 – Notice of Race Rio Test Event 2014 & Qualification System Rio 2016
The Notice of Race of the Rio Test Event 2014 has been published.

Rio 2016 Qualification system
Also the qualification system Rio 2016 has been approved.

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