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With 6 boats all within 12 points of the gold medal, this Nacra 17 medal race was always going to be a difficult one to predict and a big battle on the water for all teams involved.

One postponed start meant the nerves and anticipation from all the sailors was rising whilst the wind swung from a steady South Westerly 5-6kts to a very shifty and patchy Northerly 4-6kt breeze. After an hour waiting around on the water the 10 boat medal race fleet finally got underway in some very light and difficult conditions.

Staying true to form in the light winds over the last few days it was Ben Saxton and Nikki Boniface who dominated the race from start to finish, coming off the middle of the line and managing to use their boat speed to control most of the fleet around them – everyone seemed keen on the left hand side of the track. A  commanding lead at the top mark and keeping their cool throughout 3 Paris 2024 Equipment voted in:

Our leaders going into the day Ruggero Tita and Caterina Banti (ITA) seemed to falter in their start, struggling to get off the line and being very heavily punished for a slow tack out in these light airs. Never managing to recover and coming in 9th meant it was up to the rest of the medal contenders to pounce – and pounce they did. John Gimson/Anna Burnett (GBR) headed intot he day in 3rd spot and with a 3rd place in the medal race pulled up into silver medal position over all. A fantastic result for this pair who have made significant strides this winter training down in South America with the current Olympic Champions Santi Lange/Cecilia Carranza (ARG).

The battle for bronze was a hard fought fight from Denmark’s Lin Cenholt and CP Lubeck battling past a couple of boats around the race course to take 4th in the race and sneak just in front of Tita/Banti for 3rd place over all.

An incredible weeks racing and a fantastic job by all the sailors here this week. Toughing it out through every type of wind condition from big wind and waves at the start of the week; to much lighter, flatter conditions towards the end. A real all round venue here at Weymouth and Portland and a great event put on by the club, sponsors and volunteers – Thank you all!

Saxton honed in
Medal Race Replay

49erFX Final Day Report

49er Final Day Report

Regatta information


Wednesday 8 May          1700                    Beach Clean

Monday 13 May              1055                    Qualifying Races

Tuesday 14 May              1055                    Qualifying Races

Wednesday 15 May        1055                    Qualifying Races

Thursday 16 May             1055                   Fleet Races

Friday 17 May                   1055                   Fleet Races

Saturday 18 May              1055                   Fleet Races

Sunday 19 May                 0955                   Fleet Races

1500                    Medal Races

TBC                      Prize giving


49er & 49erFX – https://49er.org/event/2019-european-championship/#photos

Nacra 17 – https://old.nacra17.org/events/2019-european-championship-2/#photos

Live Broadcast:

1. 49er Sailing – Gold Fleet Day 1 – 2019 Volvo European Championship

URL https://youtu.be/b3fsnwNGyqQ

2. 49er Sailing – Gold Fleet Day 2 – 2019 Volvo European Championship

URL https://youtu.be/7pxYk7L_Q54

3. 49er Sailing – Gold Fleet Day 3 – 2019 Volvo European Championship

URL https://youtu.be/OGd_TQC3qEY

4. 49er Sailing – Gold Fleet Day 4 – 2019 Volvo European Championship

URL https://youtu.be/rxrV_BLsZ_k

5. 49er Sailing – Medal Races – 2019 Volvo European Championship

URL https://youtu.be/XBxlZofvxPc


Results will be posted race by race, as they happen

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