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Swiss sailors Nathalie Brugger (30) and Matias Bühler (33) will represent Switzerland in Rio this summer. They met three years ago, when they started their Olympic campaign in the Nacra 17. They finished third at the Miami World Cup in January 2016 and finished their olympic qualification in February, at the Nacra 17 Worlds in Clearwater (USA). They head to Rio with high ambitions, having shown in the past few years very good results at the highest level.

Since when have you been sailing together on de Nacra17?
We have been launching our project in 2012, right after the Olympics in London, where Mati participated as a coach for the Swiss RSX and Nathalie was sailing on the LaserRadial. 

What was your biggest challenge as a team?
When you are solo – you can be your own boss, and basically manage your campaign – what you do, and when you do it, however you want. In a team, it is more a balance as although you have the same goals within an Olympic campaign, however you will often need to make some compromises being patient and more open-minded towards other of the team. Scheduling plans can become harder, both within the team environment and private life. You will though have a greater platform for new ideas, and certainly learn new things along the way.

What is your best or most memorable result/win on your Road to Rio? Sailing, qualifying, mental, physically?
First of all it is the bronze medal at the worlds in 2013. We were quite new in the catamaran world, and we could get a medal very early. It was a great reward for the first year on the Nacra. As well, this year has begun quite well with a podium finish at the January Miami World Cup, a win at the North American mid-winters, and a top 10 at the Clearwater Worlds in February.

What do you like best about the Olympic sailing Venue?
We will race on 5 different racing areas, all which are very unique. We have 2 racecourses outside the bay of Guanabara, where the waves can be really big. Inside the bay though we can have flat water with strong currents and many local effects of the wind; particularly with the very high mountains surrounding the bay. With a nice sea breeze day, we can have 15-20 knots of wind on a racecourse while we may only get 5 knots outside the bay… So we need to be very adaptable and this is something we really like.

What will your last few months before the games look like?
We will maximise our opportunities to sail as much as possible in the Bay of Rio, to get more familiar with the wind, the local effects, and the current. I guess it is now the last sprint of the marathon that began 4 years ago! So we will give everything we can to be ready on time.

How and where can your fans follow you on your Road to Rio?
Website: www.buhlerbrugger2016.ch

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buhlerbruggerRIO2016

Pr Contact/Team Manager during the Olympics: contact@maxcomm.ch


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