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Overnight one of the Class Executives, after training, changed their view on the issue of using the gennaker upwind at the World Championship next week. They now believe that we should NOT allow the use of the gennaker upwind even this close to the start of the Championship.

As a result there is now a split among the Executive. While ordinarily I can cast a deciding vote I believe the best course of action is to have a discussion at the Open Forum on Sunday night with a vote to be taken by those entered in the Championship.

That being said my PERSONAL view is that we should not allow the use of the gennaker upwind next week. The mast, boat, gennaker etc. were not designed for the loads of upwind gennaker sailing. We also had some injuries to crew at the Europeans as a result of the strain.

Nacra Sailing has already offered resources and assistance to the Nacra 17 Class to investigate a set of specification

 It goes without saying that the Class can absolutely ask Nacra Sailing to investigate a change in specification to allow for these extra loads in the future. 

 It would be helpful ahead of the vote to commence a discussion on the Class Facebook forum with the varying views by entrants.

 I am working on wording with the PRO and Chair of the Jury that would amend next week’s Sailing Instructions to rule out using the gennaker upwind. I will post that proposed wording in due course.

To be clear – we are only talking about the use of gennakers upwind at the World Championships next week.


Marcus Spillane






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